ProfilePlus for eDOCS DM
Matrix Logic ProfilePlus presents a totally new face to the eDOCS forms with a modern look and feel. It allows an unprecedented amount of control and customization to the form while retaining the ability to easily design both simple and more complex forms.
Requirements: OpenText eDOCS DM

Features include, but not limited to:
- You are allowed to hide fields to allow presentation of a simple profile form with manual and automatic disclosure controls that reveals additional fields. This allows one form to be used for different purposes without overwhelming users.
- Allows automatic exposure of fields based on the entries in other fields. For example, if the document type of "contract" is selected, then the contract management section of the form becomes visible.
- Allows custom filters to be applied to any lookup, e.g., by entering a value in the department field the document type list can be filtered to show that department's document types without having to have complicated and cumbersome parent child hierarchical tables or multiple profile forms.
- Required field validation during data entry is available to give visual feedback to a user that a field is required before saving the profile. As well as numeric field validation to verify data enter is numbers. Additional validation can be added using the rules engine such as validation of dates.